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(In Press) Whanhee Lee, Daeun Seo (co-first), Woojae Myung, Kristi Prifti, Cinoo Kang, Hyemin Jang, Chaerin Park, Michelle L. Bell, and Ho Kim; “Association of Long-term Exposure to Air Pollution with Chronic Sleep Deprivation in Adults from 141 Urban Communities in South Korea: A Community-level Longitudinal Study, 2008‒2016.”, Epidemiology and Psychiatric Sciences.

(In Press) Whanhee Lee, Moonjung Choi (co-first), Michelle L. Bell, Cinoo Kang, Jeongju Jang, Insung Song, Yong-wook Kim, Kristie Ebi, and Ho Kim; “Effects of Urbanisation on Vulnerability to Heat-related Mortality in Urban and Rural Areas in South Korea: A Nationwide District-level Time-Series Study.”, International Journal of Epidemiology.

(In Press) Lina Madaniyazi, Ben Armstrong, Yeonseung Chung, … MCC Collaborators, Whanhee Lee, …, Masahiro Hashizume; “Seasonal variation in mortality and the role of temperature: a multi-country multi-city study.”, International Journal of Epidemiology.

(In Press) Qi Zhao, Yuming Guo, MCC collaborators, Whanhee Lee, …, Shanshan Li; “Global, regional and national burden of mortality associated with non-optimal ambient temperatures from 2000 to 2019: A three-stage modelling study.”, The Lancet Planetary Health.

Ana M Vicedo-Cabrera, N. Scovronick, MCC collaborators, Whanhee Lee, …, Antonio Gasparrini; “The burden of heat-related mortality attributable to recent human-induced climate change.”, Nature Climate Change. (2021.05)

Whanhee Lee, Honghyok Kim, Hayon Michelle Choi, Seulkee Heo, Kelvin C. Fong, Jooyeon Yang, Chaerin Park, Ho Kim, and Michelle L. Bell; “Urban Environments and COVID-19 in three Eastern States of the United States.”, Science of the Total Environment. (2021.03)

Kai Chen, Susanne Breitner, MCC collaborators, Whanhee Lee, ..., and Alexandra Schneider; “Ambient Carbon Monoxide and Daily Mortality: A Global Time-Series Study in 337 cities.”, The Lancet Planetary Health. (2021.04)

Suji Lee, Whanhee Lee, Eunil Lee, Myung Ho Jeong, Seung-Woon Rha, Chong-Jin Kim, Shung Chull Chae, Hyo-Soo Kim, Hyeon-Cheol Gwon, Ho Kim; “Effects of Asian dust-derived particulate matter on ST-elevation myocardial infarction: retrospective, time series study.”, BMC Public Health. (2021.01)

Whanhee Lee, Kristie Ebi, Yoonhee Kim, Masahiro Hashizume, Yasushi Honda, Hashimoto Hideki, Hayon Choi, Moonjung Choi, and Ho Kim; “Heat-mortality risk and the population concentration of metropolitan areas in Japan: a nationwide time-series study.”, International Journal of Epidemiology. (2020.12)

Whanhee Lee, Yoonhee Kim, Francesco Sera, MCC collaborators, Michelle L. Bell, and Ho Kim; “Projections of excess mortality related to diurnal temperature range under climate change scenarios: A multi-country study”, The Lancet Planetary Health. (2020.11)

Jeongju Jang, Whanhee Lee (co-first), Munjeong Choi, Cinoo Kang, and Ho Kim; “Roles of urban heat anomaly and land-use/land-cover on the heat-related mortality in the national capital region of South Korea: A multi-districts time-series study”, Environment International. (2020.12)

Cinoo Kang, Chaerin Park, Whanhee Lee, Nazife Pehlivan, Munjeong Choi, Jeongju Jang, and Ho Kim; “Heatwave-Related Mortality Risk and the Risk-Based Definition of Heat Wave in South Korea: A Nationwide Time-Series Study for 2011–2017”, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. (2020.08)

Whanhee Lee, Seung-sik Hwang, Honghyok Kim, Hayon Michelle Choi, Yoonhee Kim, Michelle L. Bell, Ho Kim et al.; “COVID-19 in South Korea: epidemiological and spatiotemporal patterns of the spread and the role of aggressive diagnostic tests in the early phase”, International Journal of Epidemiology. (2020.08)

Yongwook Kim, Whanhee Lee (co-first), Ho Kim et al; “Social isolation and vulnerability to heatwave-related mortality in the urban elderly population: a time-series multi-community study in Korea”, Environment International. (2020.09)

Whanhee Lee, Ho Kim et al.; “Synergic effect between high temperature and air pollution on mortality in Northeast Asia”, Environmental research. (2019.11)

Whanhee Lee, Yeonseung Chung, Ho Kim et al.; “The Interactive Effect of Diurnal Temperature Range and Temperature on Mortality in 57 communities in Northeast Asia; a multi-country study”, Epidemiology. (2019.07)

Suji Lee, Whanhee Lee, Ho Kim et al.; “Short-term PM2.5 exposure and emergency hospital admissions for mental disease”, Environmental Research. (2019.01)

Whanhee Lee, Yoonhee Kim, Ho Kim et al.; “Association between diurnal temperature range and mortality modified by temperature in Japan, 1972–2015: Investigation of spatial and temporal patterns for 12 cause-specific deaths”, Environment International. (2018.10)

Whanhee Lee, Hayon Michelle Choi, Dahye Kim, Ho Kim et al.; “Temporal changes in mortality impacts of heat wave and cold spell in Korea and Japan”, Environment International. (2018.07)

Suji Lee, Whanhee Lee, Woojae Myung, E Jin Kim, Ho Kim; “Mental disease-related emergency admissions attributable to hot temperatures”, Science of The Total Environment. (2018.03)

Whanhee Lee, Hayon Michelle Choi, Dahye Kim, Yasushi Honda, Yue-Liang Leon Guo, Ho Kim; “Temporal changes in mortality attributed to heat extremes for 57 cities in Northeast Asia”, Science of The Total Environment. (2018.03)

Whanhee Lee, Michelle L. Bell, the MCC collaborators, Ho Kim et al; “Mortality burden of diurnal temperature range and its temporal changes: A multi-country study”, Environment International. (2018.01)

Whanhee Lee, Ho Kim, Sunghee Hwang, Antonella Zanobetti, Joel Schwartz, Yeonseung Chung; “Monte Carlo estimation for the minimum mortality temperature in temperature-mortality association study”, BMC Medical Research Methodology. (2017.09)

Whanhee Lee, Younhee Lim, Ho Kim et al.; “An Investigation on Attributes of Ambien Temperature and Diurnal Temperature Range on Mortality in Five East-Asian Countries”, Scientific Reports. (2017.08)

Whanhee Lee, Sunghee Hwang, Hayoung Choi, Ho Kim; “The association between smoking or passive smoking and cardiovascular diseases using a Bayesian hierarchical model: based on the 2008-2013 Korea Community Health Survey”, Epidemiology and Health. (2017.07)

Whanhee Lee, Jiyoung Choo, Jiyoung Son, Ho Kim; “Association between long-term exposure to air pollutants and prevalence of cardiovascular disease in 108 South Korean communities in 2008-2010: A cross-sectional study”, Science of Total Environment. (2016.09)


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